Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Globetrotting Diaries - Houston (Tx) - Natural Beauty

Here is a glimpse of all our natural encounters during our recent visit to Houston Texas!


Blue Jay...

Baby Deer with Momma!...

Black Bellied Whistling Duck...

Herons in Texana Park...

Large Egret...

Alligators in Texana park...

Wild Bunny and Squirrel...

Thicknee in her Nest...We didn't mean to invade her privacy but...

 ...Look where she made her nest!

Roseate Spoonbill in San Jacinto Park... 

Pelicans in San Jacinto Park...

Black Pelicans...

Wild Flowers...


  1. I love how you captured all the animals and the moon as well!

  2. Birds are so beautiful! I always love to see them, great photographs, Texas must be full of wildlife!

  3. Beautiful pictures, the birds are so colourful.

  4. That is absolutely the most amazing picture of the moon that I have ever seen! Such wonderful nature photographs! You are so lucky!

  5. Looks like an amazing day. I had no idea Houston had such thriving wildlife. Beautiful!


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