Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tip of Canada : Point Pelee - Globetrotting Diaries

This week I'm taking you to the Southern most tip of Canada - Point Pelee. We visited point Pelee during our trip to Canada. We stayed with my Uncle there, this was the first trip that we took during our visit.

Point Pelee National Park is a national park located in Essex County in southwestern Ontario, Canada where it extends into Lake Erie. It consists of a peninsula of land, mainly of marsh and woodland habitats, that tapers to a sharp point as it extends into Lake Erie.

Point Pelee is the southernmost point of mainland Canada, and is located on a foundation of glacial sand, silt and gravel that bites into Lake Erie. This spit of land is slightly more than seven kilometres long by 4.5 kilometres (2.8 mi) wide at its northern base. The park was established in 1918, Point Pelee  is the lowest point in Canada.

The Pictures...

Through the Forest...

Walnut Tree...

Wild Berries...

It was a Windy and Chilly Day...

Here it is...The Southern most Tip of Canada!...

 While Returning we saw Heinz Ketchup Factory and a few Tomato Fields!

Apple Trees...

Loved this Local Vegetable Self Serve Shop...there was literally no one in there!...

A few shots of Birds that I captured in my Uncle's Garden...




  1. Hmmm . . . I lived on Lake Erie, in Buffalo, for years and never heard of this spot! Looks great and I love the bird photos, too!

    1. Oh! You should have gone it is amazing to see the tip of such a big country!

  2. Your photos are beautiful. I didn't know Heinz was made in Canada.

  3. That shop looks like vegetable heaven! I'm a big pumpkin fan :-)

  4. What a terrific trip! And how funny, I didn't realize until now that I hadn't seen a tomato field before.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Pink Orchids

  5. Wow! What an fun-filled trip! I love that photo of the hummingbird (pics of those pretties are so hard to get). I've never seen a tomato field, so that's pretty cool to see the Heinz factory & fields.

    1. Thanks Kim! I know... I had to sit near the window for quite some time to see if it had shown up!...took quite a few shots to get this one! I even got a nice video!

  6. Great pictures, I like to read about other country's

  7. Wow I just love these photos! The hummingbird one is fantastic! And I loved seeing the tomato fields! Very neat!


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