Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Globetrotting Diaries - San Francisco

Today let's travel together to San Francisco! Again we got to visit some Iconic spots like Alcatraz, the famous former prison and Golden Gate Bridge. The traffic was really bad in the city and parking is sometimes hard to find. Other than that it was a fun trip!

Here are the Pics...
Boat ride for the Alcatraz Island...

The Prison Cells...

 Seagull Relaxing...
We were Lucky to catch Air Show from the Island...
The City...


 The Iconic Golden Gate Bridge...
 At Sunset...
Pumpkin Field...
 Humming Bird at our Uncle's House...


  1. Your photography is excellent, especially of the birds! It's so difficult to get clear sharp shots of birds. Looks like a fun trip. :)

  2. San Francisco is high on my wishlist, thanks for sharing these photo's!

  3. I live in Northern California, but it's been a long time since I've visited San Francisco. Thanks for the virtual trip. And how cool that you caught the air show too!

  4. Great photos! It's been awhile since I visited San Francisco. I love that city, but I have never visited Alcatraz. I might have to go back to see it and a couple of other areas I have missed.


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