Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Feature - Catie from

Hi! My name is Catie and I'm a preppy, sometimes sarcastic, iced coffee obsessed Northeast native. I recently graduated college and I currently live in a suburb of Philadelphia. I'm a wannabe crafter who also loves blogging and yoga. I absolutely love interacting with my customers, blog readers, and social media followers, so find me and follow along! :)

My Craft…
I sell mostly preppy, but sometimes edgy or country-chic fabric covered earrings. I try and do my best to pick out patterns that I know I would wear and that my customers would love! I'm a huge bargain hunter, so I do my best to keep my prices super low and offer lots of coupon codes/discounts!

Fabric Covered Pink Seersucker Anchor Earrings

Fabric Covered Anchor Earrings

Fabric Covered Flower Earrings

Fabric Covered Blue/Teal Gingham "Emily" Earrings

Fabric Covered Nautical Fish Earrings

My Inspiration…
Everything. I'm constantly looking at different fabrics, outfits, and just plain patterns to get inspiration for my next earrings. My personal style is greatly influenced by some of my favorite preppy bloggers and celebrities, and that also has a huge influence on the patterns and fabrics that I feature.

My AHA moment of being an Artist…
When I was younger, I was obsessed with creating things. It started as just something I did in my spare time; drawing, painting, anything! As I got older I sort of fell out of it, and it wasn't until I was a (broke/poor) college student that I started realizing how fun it was to create things again. I think I discovered Pinterest shortly after, and then it was, like, game over. I was addicted to making fun little things for me, my family, and my friends... so I figured, why not sell on Etsy?!

My Creative sides are ignited by…
I'm honestly inspired at super random times, although the majority of them happen to be very late at night. Most people say they are insanely productive in the mornings, but I am definitely not one of those people. I end up doing my best work in the late hours of the night!

My Masterpiece…
All of the items in my shop are just earrings, so it's a little hard to pick which one is a so called "masterpiece," but I have to say my absolute favorite earrings in the shop are the "Reagan" earrings. I love the lime green/yellow-ish color and the elephants are so adorable. I wear all my styles pretty frequently, but I have to say I wear these the most!
Fabric Covered "Reagan" Elephant Earrings

Apart from Crafting …
I'd have to say my current favorite hobby is blogging. I love writing, so it's a great creative outlet that doesn't include crafts. I've also been on an insane workout kick for the past few months. I've always loved going to the gym, running, and playing sports, but I recently got into the Les Mills classes (Body Combat, Body Pump, Body Flow, etc.) and they're my addiction now. I've also developed a love for Zumba, yoga, and basically any workout class I have the opportunity to take! Other hobbies include reading and, of course, shopping ;)

When I am busy creating …
Constant music. I don't have too much of a preference on location or state of mind, but I absolutely must have good music on.

In ten years I would be…
I hope to be married and maybe with a kid or two, but other than that my future is honestly unwritten! I'm fresh out of college, and super unsure of what I hope to do with my degree, so this may be the hardest question of all!

Places to look for me…
Etsy shop Instagram: @bthreebuttons
Personal/Blog Instagram: @catiescott3
Twitter: @cscott3391
I genuinely love interacting and taking requests from all my followers, and I always enjoy reading comments on my blog! Come follow me while I craft, eat, and run my way through my 20's :)

Thanks for Reading!

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  1. Hi,
    I'm a new follower. I'm on your Etsy Blog Team. Your blog is really super.

  2. Love the earrings, so darling! I am a night owl too and get my best ideas then; so not a morning person!


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