Wednesday, June 22, 2016

What's Up Wednesday!!!


Hey Everyone! I know it has been months since I posted on my blog! There is One BIG reason for that...

We are EXPECTING!!!!!!

As you may have already guessed it's a Baby GIRL!!!

So excited for this new chapter of our lives.

I have some energy back now, the first three months were really tough health wise, phew..... I had no idea it is so difficult!!

But anyways I am feeling better now moving into the Second trimester.
Hopefully I will start my regular blogging from today, and also pay some attention to my super neglected Etsy store! Not so sure about physical items but I'll be focusing more on Pdfs, Printables, Patterns, DIYs and such.
As for workshops and other crafty events I am taking a total break as it is too much exertion considering my energy levels lately.

I have tried to be regular on Ig and Facebook. But I have to catch up a lot with my favourite blogs, which I'll be doing in this week.

I am also doing a bit of gardening, thanks to my hubby who took over when I was not feeling so great!

For now my head is full of cute stuff that I'll be making and buying in coming months!!!!
So please don't run away if you see me posting more of baby stuff on the blog too! I will be doing my usual stuff as well!

So that's the main update apart from my increasing weight LOL..., a little bump with 17 weeks today, reading baby books and articles online and Tons of excitement!
Everything is going to change a lot for us soon, looking forward to the new adventures!

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