Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Feature - Miniatures & Sketches

Continuing last week's feature - today I am posting more artwork made by my brother. I have divided it in three parts.

But first thank you all for the appreciation/feedback given before!

Some of his earlier miniatures when he just started at about 12 years old...

Mini Garden Tools...

Mini Toothpick Furniture...
Piano & Stool...
Clay Birds...

Paper + Clay Plants...

Clay Animals...

The more refined pieces made recently...He has hand-crafted everything from scratch!...

Mini Drill...It actually works!...


A few of his original Pencil Sketches...

Thanks a lot for stopping by & for your time!


  1. Those mini tools will probably be the cutest things I'll see this week :-)

  2. AMAZING! Even at a young age your brother already had exceptional talent!
    I enjoy seeing all the animals as well as the animal drawings. And the miniature grand piano is very cute!

  3. Oh my goodness, your brother is incredibly talented!! I just love the mini furniture. Thanks for sharing this great talent with us!

  4. Wow, your brother has some serious talent! Even his early pieces have me amazed! Working with miniatures takes a lot of patients and attention to detail. And his drawings are beautiful as well!

  5. AWESOME! Those pieces when he was 12 years old...They're better than anything I could ever try with clay at all. All of his minis are fantastic. I can't believe that drill actually works. So cool!
    The pencil sketches are equally impressive. Your brother is talented!

  6. Amazing collection!!! they are beatiful
    New follower from

  7. Wow! These are all so good. Such a talented brother you have.

  8. Those miniatures are so adorable!

    Monica Harmony's Blog

  9. Great collection, I like the little birds and the paintings. Beautiful.


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