Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Cutest Member of the Family- BoB!!

I wish I had him!!! He is Adorable!! My parents just got this Sweetheart! My sister sent me all these cute pics, I tried to narrow down but couldn't do that..So.....I am posting them all with a story!

Hi! I'm BOB!

I Love Playing 

Feelin Sleepy...

Do Not Disturb!
Told U don't Disturb I can see U

Is it Morning???

What to do Now...Hmmmmm
Whattt......I didn't do this...

It wasn't me.....

Give it to me.....Grrrrr

I found it First....

I want those Sandals....not the FlipFlops

I am not talking to U

Okay on one condition... I want...

Yummmm..I love Mangoes!

I want to Play in the yard
Don't Laugh.....Ummm..I fell in the Yard Pool

I am now Dry..Ready to go again!

Bye! It was Nice Meeting You!

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  1. Awwe so cute! I love puppies they're the best. Congrats on your parents new family member!

  2. I wish he were mine too - just the cutest!! I love that his name is Bob :D

  3. Your sister's photographs nearly made me overdose on cute!! He's adorable. ^.^

  4. OMG! He is so Cute! Don't tell my 4 cats that I love Bob the cutest puppy in the world.

  5. What a sweetie! There is something about the joy that dogs bring to our lives! I hope your parents enjoy this phase! It goes too quickly!


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