

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Please Stay Home

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We all are in this together. The whole world stays united today because of the "Corona Pandemic". It is ironical but it took a Virus to make us slow down, breathe for a while and value the little things. Now all we can do is fight this thing, pray for all those affected and support all those who are still working to help others. 

As responsible citizens we must all play our part and it is high time that we realize that things are not normal anymore. It breaks my heart to see people who are still continuing with their daily activities like Yoga, Other Classes, Community Matches, Vacations, Evening Chit-chats and such. All these can wait. 

This is a Humble Request to ALL the "Supermen & Superwomen" out there who think that they can still do anything they want and Corona can’t touch them. Well we envy you what else can we say. But we are not as lucky as you, we are vulnerable and  have family members who are high risk & all of us wish to stay “Corona Free”. So we beg you to please follow the guidelines given by the government and “stay inside your home” that is what Social Distancing & lock down means. You might not get it but you can still pass it on to us. Stop going out for pleasure, Stop unnecessary gatherings however small they may be. We all know that one can be symptom free for many days, please don't repeat the mistakes of others we can learn from what has happened and prevent it from happening again. Please don't pretend that it "not you problem" because it is.

🙏🏼  Please Listen 🙏🏼

Each and everyone of us must do our part and follow social distancing that's the least we all can do. Stay indoors unless it is very urgent, enjoy your time with your Family. Let us all slow down and be thankful and grateful for all the little things that we are blessed with. Many have suffered and lost their loved ones.

Please Stay Home & Stay Safe.

Let's fight this together.


  1. I completely agree!

    We finally received a stay at home order in our state yesterday that is forcing those small businesses to close. I wish this was enforced countrywide at the same time. The staggering of closures is not going to help. This order is only for 2 weeks and considering how long one takes to show symptoms, this does not seem effective.

    Stay safe and healthy! I hope people start getting smart in India too. :)

    1. Thanks Val! Yeah things are getting better here with forced lock down. Hopefully the conditions will improve! U also take care and stay safe!


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